Google introduced Project Treble last year, in an attempt to improve the Android fragmentation issue, by creating a framework to let manufacturers work on software updates quicker. In Google I/O 2019, Project Mainline is announced to further ease the process.
In order to roll out new features and fix bugs as soon as possible, Google has already move a lot of system services to the Play Store, like the Phone and Camera apps. With Project Mainline, Google is now separating some core OS components into different modules, that can be updated via the Play Store, without the need of full over-the-air (OTA) software updates from manufacturers. This would allow Google to patch and implement new security or privacy vulnerabilities.
Android Q will be natively support Project Mainline. At first, there will be twelve modules updated through Play Store. Major Software updates, involving the core of the OS, will still require manufacturers to approve and release.
- Security: Media Codecs, Media Framework Components, DNS Resolver, Conscrypt
- Privacy: Documents UI, Permission Controller, ExtServices
- Consistency: Timezone data, ANGLE (developers opt-in), Module Metadata, Networking components, Captive Portal Login, Network Permission Configuration
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