It is no secret that Google keeps a lot of our personal data, which is used to provide useful and important services, like Google Maps and Google Assistant. But there are no easy ways for users to delete their sensitive data, such as location history and voice recordings. Finally, Google announced to roll out new auto-delete feature very soon.
Currently, you can completely disable the tracking from the account settings, as well as delete all or part of your collected information manually. However, this will either make the function not usable, or cause inconvenience. Later, Google will allow user to set a time limit on how long their data to be saved, 3 months or 18 months. After that period of time, the relevant data will be automatically deleted.
The new feature will be available to the public in the coming weeks. The auto-deletion will be limited to Location History and Web & App Activity at first. In my opinion, this is a very important and helpful feature for those who wants more control over their private data, without sacrificing the functionalities of Google-provided services.
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